Forever Young’s
Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Young’s – a pub company operating 125 managed and 76 tenanted pubs have effectively used e-learning in the managed department for the past 9 years as part of a blended approach to the learning and development of their employees.
Young’s are looking forward to working with CPL on the Young’s Academy offering improved e-learning programmes for employees to gain the knowledge required to be safe and compliant in their role, as well as the additional features of a new internal communications - messaging platform and a bookshelf ensuring relevant information available to all employees dependent on the job role.
The Young’s Academy provided by CPL is web based giving convenient access for all users, and we look forward to when messaging and the bookshelf are accessible from mobile devices.
The LMS provided by CPL with the Young’s Academy will help senior managers and general managers track all team members learning and development enhancing the succession planning and career development of individuals in an objective way and the development of on line appraisal in the summer will support this further.
A new bespoke console will be available to all Young’s Tenanted Pubs complete with 24/7 access to online e-learning courses.
Geronimo Inns, “purveyors of fine pubs, fresh British food, real ales and banter” was acquired by Young’s in December 2010 and they still operate a high-quality estate of 34 managed pubs in London. The food-led Inns have their own custom console, separate from Young’s, to retain the special brand feel.
Geronimo Learning will provide all the features the Young’s Academy has but in a Geronimo way! All the Geronimo tribe embraced e-learning 2 years ago and like Young’s all will benefit from the improved communications and information available to all depending on the job role.
Its true.....Young’s are a group of individual pubs – individual in terms of décor, offer and atmosphere- however the essence of Young’s we believe is our people and having the 4 items listed….
Young’s fun fact: did you know that every Young’s site must contain the 4 following items: the Young’s logo, a grandfather clock, an open fire and a picture of the Queen Mother pulling a pint!