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Software Development


The key to your software solution is in communication; at CPL Online we want to understand your company so our in-house development team can offer you the best result.

When you come to CPL Online, we will not offer you a template software program; we want to understand your business so we can create and deliver a bespoke application tailored to your company’s requirements to aid your business further. Whatever software you need, we can create it for your business.

Case Study

"We are proud to be working with Cask Marque on their Bar Excellence and Cellar Management courses. Together with the help of industry experts we have transformed their unique courses into online, interactive programmes. This enables organisations a more flexible accessible method of delivery which provides high quality affordable training to delegates, with minimal time away from their duties, ensuring staff are able to fulfil their roles effectively." - Cask Marque


Demonstrate your professionalism and commitment to your employer by developing your customer service and bar maintenance skills.