Seeing Red: Update
Tuesday, 26 February 2013

You may have heard that CPL Online are supporting Red Nose Day on Friday 15th March by holding a Pyjama Day in Bridge Court.
But now we’re gonna have to up our game: our sister company CPL Training are also supporting the charity by holding a Wear a Onesie to Work Day! #Team-Onesie are also looking to raise money by holding a Big Weigh In; Cash 4 Your Old Clothes are taking in unwanted clothing items to places that truly need them in third-world countries, and all the money made from the kilos of clothes will go straight to Comic Relief. CPL Training are also Baking it like Berry by having a bake-sale on the Friday afternoon, where #Team-Onesie and The On-lie-ins will collide, munch a cake or two and raise even more money for Red Nose Day.
But The On-lie-ins are going to topple all of CPL Training’s fancy plans by holding an Online Harlem Shake! We’ll get the video on YouTube for you to enjoy in due course…
So tell your friends, your family, and your colleagues to support The On-lie-ins by sponsoring our Red Nose Day page here: and help us raise more money than #Team-Onesie!
P.S. Don’t forget to grab a Red Nose from Lisa Graham in Egerton House for a minimum donation of £1!