Online Update
Thursday, 17 October 2013

The expansion of CPL Online’s premises finally came to an end in September, but that doesn’t mean we’re still not growing in other areas.
Our team of animators has doubled in the past year, as has our support team. Their strength in numbers helps us maintain our high quality levels of online services for customers as we build more courses and products for you.
More technology has been implemented too; we have set up our ‘Sound Station’ that goes with our VocalBooth™, enabling us to record and edit voiceover recordings on-site. Rumour has it that a CPL Xmas song will be recorded in there to celebrate the oncoming festivities. But this of course is just a rumour…
Also, the impending re-release of all current e-learning courses that are available to the general public (so all your favourites, including Food Safety, Fire Awareness, Health & Safety and Manual Handling) are expecting to go live in 2014. This event is definitely something to look forward to, especially if it’s anything to go by our Intro Videos that have been leaking onto our Facebook timeline and Twitter feed. You can view the videos at any time on our YouTube channel here.
If you’re interested in joining one of the teams at CPL Online, please contact to see if there are vacancies available in our ever expanding company.