Financial Rewards
Friday, 18 October 2013

The CPL Training Group’s Finance Director, Peter Moss, has been nominated for the Best FD of an Ltd Company.
The Finance Director of the Year Awards 2013 celebrates the achievements of leading individuals and businesses within the Chester, Liverpool City, North Wales and Warrington regions.
Peter Moss is responsible for the both the strategic and day-to-day financial management of the Group and has over 20 years’ experience across the Professional Services, Distribution, Logistics and Retail sectors. He has also held the position of Finance and Operations Director at a number of multi Fast Track 100 award winning companies; however this year we take particular pride in Peter, as he has overseen the development of CPL Online’s expansion and has played an integral role in the building’s overall design.
Hopefully our FD’s achievements will see him win his award on Wednesday 13th November at the Crowne Plaza, Liverpool and we wish him the best of luck in his category!