Admiral cranks up e-learning
Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Admiral Taverns says it has now put more than 100 of its licensees through its new package of e-learning that is designed to help staff train at their own pace.
Admiral launched the package with the CPL Training Group on an online platform accessed via the Admiral Taverns website. It has various modules including compliance, stock management and HR, and can be picked up at whatever time suits a licensee for a flat fee of £250 a year. Around 130 people have now accessed the e-learning programme.
Suzanne Smith, head of licensee recruitment and training, said: "I'm delighted that we have reached this milestone so quickly. It’s been a really important and positive move for Admiral as the delivery of training online fits so well with the demands placed upon licensees. We think that is why we are seeing such strong take up of e-learning."
CPL founder and chief executive Daniel Davies said: "We are delighted to be partnering such a respected company as Admiral. It is a great proposition and fits well with the excellent training programmes that Admiral already has in place, making training and development as accessible and as practical as possible for licensees, and also, importantly, for pub staff."